I went to the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore yesterday as my Dad's birthday present to me and it was fantastic! The museum's collection is comprised mostly of art work done by individuals who are not considered professional artists. Some creators of the pieces include, prisoners, the mentally challenged, housewives, the homeless, refugees, etc. Some of my favorite pieces included the altered book and art journals by prisoners and average women, the stained glass and porcelian Icarus statue, shrinky dink pages, the miniature museum, Afghanistan war rugs, art quilts, and the multi-media doors.
Unfortunately, I was unable to take photos inside the museum buildings, they were only permitted for the outdoor exhibit. (Believe me, I tried and got yelled at.) =/ However, I am happy with the photos I was able get.

A glass "tree" outside the front of the museum- I am kicking myself for not capturing the reflection of the wall below in a mirror on the tree with it's own reflection on the wall, it would have been a stunning photo.

Just a tiny portion of the mosaic front wall.

A giant mosaic egg

Self portrait number 1

Number 2, my personal favorite

Another self portrait but I wish I could have elminiated the background and gotten a wider shot but I was blocked in by another set of doors.

A giant metal guitar-bird and nest

We discovered a balcony on the third level of the other building that is actual inside the wire nest.
From the nest we noticed this giant mosaic piece we wouldn't have seen otherwise since it was above our heads when we were in the courtyard.

A view of down town Baltimore.
There are more photos to post but blogger is again, refusing to cooperate.